March 2019
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Privacy statement


The persons responsible within the meaning of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSVGO) and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other provisions of data protection law is the Data Protection Supervisor:

Hammouch, Miloud & Pasqua, Daniel & Wolniak, Nico-Pascal Florian Dieter Maria (GbR)
Wieprechtstraße 5
45327 Essen


This privacy policy applies to our App for Medical Appointments, the Learn Game and the Timetracker app.
Our data protection declaration does not apply to linked websites and apps of other manufacturers. Please contact the respective providers for more information.

Google Play

We offer our mobile apps in Google Play. Please refer to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Advertising in our Apps

Our mobile apps use Google AdMob to display ads. Please review the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use at

App Permissions

In order to be able to provide you with our full range of services in our mobile apps, the following rights must be granted for the doctor's appointment app, the learn game app and the Timetracker app:


If you contact us, we will process your personal data to the extent that it is necessary to answer your inquiry satisfactorily. In addition to your name, this may also include information on technical circumstances. You are also welcome to use a pseudonym for your enquiries.

Personal data

We do not currently process any personal data when using our services. Through the listing in Google Play and the use of the advertising platform Google AdMob, data is transferred to Google. To what extent, for what purpose and under what conditions can you please refer to the privacy statement and the terms of use of Google, which we have already linked in the relevant sections.

Further developments

We reserve the right to change this privacy statement without prior notice. This may be necessary, for example, due to functional extensions of our offer.

Site notice Privacy statement